Nation building: How to found your own country in four easy steps…

nation building
Nation building: A representative of Islandia making a semi-official visit to the Principality of Sealandia in the North Sea.

Nation building: A representative of Islandia making a semi-official visit to the Principality of Sealandia in the North Sea.[/caption]

NATION BUILDING: I won’t discuss the rights and wrongs of leaders such as Duterte, Trump or any other populist — but to say they’re divisive is an understatement!


So, should you ever decide that your country simply isn’t for you, you’re left with very few options. These are:

  1. Change it from within
  2. Move to another country (depending on your passport)
  3. Or invent your own nation!

Obviously, the last of these is by far the most practical and sensible. So, here’s our top four tips to founding your own nation.

4) You need land

No self-respecting country can exist without land! Find something uninhabited, or at best unclaimed (see Bir Tawil), or even claim some strange tower in the sea (see Sealand), but the main point is land. There are plenty of islands for sale in the Philippines too. 


3) You need people

Without people your country is nothing. Try not to be a country of one person or just friends and family members!

2) You need a government type

Now, while communist dictatorship or anarchist commune are popular, and sound good on paper, they might put people off joining your project! In our experience, any serious micronationalist (it is a word despite what the dictionary says) usually goes for some kind of Monarchal regime. We suggest principality. 

1) You need to be serious about it

Anyone can sit in their bedroom and declare it a nation, but — at a bare minimum — build a website and create some kind of flag. Without these no other micronation will give you the time of day.


So, that’s our guide to nation building – and it really couldn’t be simpler. Obviously you are free to start your own, but if you do not have the time or resources to do that we suggest joining Let’s Buy An island.

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